Saturday, September 12, 2020

Billy Bush Interviews The Stars Of Tammi Sauers Oh Nuts! (Plus A Giveaway)

OMG! I’m having a fangirl moment. Somebody fan me and feed me chocolate. (No, not YOU. Get Ryan Gosling.) Because not only is the brilliantly prolific author Tammi Sauer here, but she brought along the stars of her newest picture book, OH NUTS!           Thankfully I have Billy Bush helping me out (who will do as a Ryan Gosling substitute in a pinch). Billy’s qualified to interview Miss Universe contestants, so he will no doubt pose the tough questions to our guests Cutesy, Blinky and Bob. He caught them on last night’s Emmy’s Red Carpet. Take it away, Billy. Billy: Wow, so great to see you Cutesy, Blinky and Bob, stars of OH NUTS! Thanks for stopping to talk. You look fabulous. Tell us, who are you wearing? Cutesy: Carolina Herrerra’s “Forest Dwellers” collection. Blinky: Um, obviously Bob. Will someone please peel him off my back? Bob:  Wait, I was supposed to get DRESSED? . Billy: So you guys reached the pinnacle of popularity but then retreated from the limelight. What caused you to give up show business? Was the pressure just too much? Blinky: Well, dude, we realized we had to be true to our inner chipmunk, you know? Cutesy: Plus, all those flashing lights kind of wrecked my mascara. Bob: Huh? . Billy: But your fans really want you to get back into the game. We heard that Alvin and his crew rejected an offer to star in “The Hunger Games IV: Acorn Atrocity”. Will you be lobbying for those roles now? Cutesy: Our agent definitely wants us to consider it. Blinky: Like whoa. It would be an awesome opportunity to showcase my six-pack. Bob: I like noodles. . Billy: Do you think you’d like to branch out into other forms of entertainment? You know, become a triple-threat with a triple-threat? Cutesy: We’ll always stick together, but we each have something special to give the world. Soon I’ll be launching my very own line of accessories called Chic Chipmunk. Blinky: ABC wants me to be the next Bachelor. Bob: I’m going to…wait…I forget. . Billy: How would you like to be remembered and immortalized by your fans? Cutesy: We just want everyone to remember that chipmunks are people, too. Blinky: I’d really like a street named after me. Bob: I’d really like a nap. And a taco. . Billy: Oh wow, here comes Brangelina…so…SCRAM! Cutesy: You know, we have a nickname, too. It’s “Blutesy”. Blinky: I like it! Bob: Hey, where’s the “Bob” in that? . Well, thanks Billy Bush, Cutesy, Blinky and Bob for the interview. And thanks for leaving behind an autographed copy of OH NUTS! One lucky US resident will win it, just leave a comment to be entered! A winner will be randomly selected one week from today. Good luck! And don’t forget to check out the rest of Tammi Sauer’s books. I mean, there must be a million of them now.

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