Thursday, May 14, 2020

6 Effective Digital Marketing Tactics and Strategies for 2020

6 Effective Digital Marketing Tactics and Strategies for 2020 Digital ad spending is going up year over year, and it’s projected to just keep rising. With more players in the game and more money is thrown around, you’re going to have to work even harder to stand out.It’s time for you to start working smarter. If you can’t compete with the budgets your competitors are throwing around, you need to compete in other areas instead. Refine your digital marketingstrategy to get the most value for your money in 2020.evalStart using the right digital marketing tactics and strategies now.1) Create Short Video Ads evalVideo has been in for years, but the long-form video ads are starting to tire people out. No one wants to sit through a 30-second or 1-minute video ad before, after, or in the middle of their video content. YouTube is getting overcrowded with long video ads, driving more people to use ad blockers to get around them completely.Buck the trend by taking advantage of the newer short-form buffer ad spaces offered by many platforms. Short, 6-second ads can be more impactful and memorable to customers if they’re made well, and they’re less likely to be skipped. Six seconds doesn’t sound like a long enough time for an ad, but it’s more than enough if you know how to use it. There used to be an entire video platform dedicated to 6-second videos A 2019 Pew Research survey showed that 81% of Americans own smartphones.More people are using smartphones as their primary online devices at home today, rather than computers or tablets. In fact, 1 in 5 American adults is smartphone-only, according to Pew.This revelation needs to fundamentally shift how you think of digital marketing. Rather than making ads geared towards desktop users first, with responsive tech that makes it adaptable to mobile devices, you should be planning your marketing strategies with mobile in mind first.Mobile-first means designing and creating ads and content to work first on mobile devices and adapting to larger screens, rather than the reverse . Responsive websites and ads are effective, but why bother catering to computer users if most of your viewers are likely to be using mobile devices instead of computers? Mobile use has surpassed computer use, and it’s only going to keep growing.4) Shoppable eCommerce Posts evalShoppable posts are a newer feature that’s present on only a few social media apps thus far. The big ones are Instagram and Facebook. What a shoppable post does is places tags on photos that allow viewers to go directly to the pages where those items are sold. It’s a powerful tool for eCommerce brands and influencers who want to make it easier for customers to find the products they’re displaying on models or inaction.It’s really easy to get started with shoppable posts. Though they’re only available in around 50 countries, it’s a good starting point for many brands, especially brands selling to the US market. The benefit of shoppable posts is that they help customers buy with less friction. Sin ce they don’t have to put in the work to find the items they liked from your picture, they can just click on the tags, it helps them make impulse purchases or spontaneous purchases. Shoppable posts are only available for business accounts, not personal accounts.5) Improve Customer Experience with AR evalAugmented reality Personalization is especially powerful for email marketing strategies.Develop a customized funnel to help you identify where a certain person is in their customer journey. Depending on where they are, send personalized emails to them that apply to their specific situation rather than just a general monthly marketing email.Examples of these are product recommendations based on past purchase history, birthday greetings, and specially tailored promotions to bring them back to your site.Marketing changes every year. To stay on top, you have to think on your feet and keep up with the changes. Start working on your 2020 digital marketing strategies now before you’re l eft behind!

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