Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Learn to Stop Worrying and Impress your New Boss

How to Learn to Stop Worrying and Impress your New Boss How to Learn to Stop Worrying and Impress your New Boss One good way to prepare yourself for a new position is to take some time to clear your palate. Take a week or two between jobs to adjust to the transition and refresh. This alone can help your demeanor and energy level which will reflect positively on how people see you. Another pre-first day activity can be to memorize the names and titles of the individuals you met at the interview. Greet them on the first day and share your gratitude and display your eagerness and willingness to be joining the team.Arriving early on the first day will keep you from feeling rushed and flustered as you attempt to adapt to new surroundings and find your way around. At the end of the day, remain at your station at least until everyone else leaves. No early days especially during the first several weeks of work. You will undoubtedly encounter situations early on that require asking others f or help. Be koranvers to show your appreciation to everyone who helps guide you through the learning process.Keep track of your organizations standard operating procedures. You may need to keep a journal at first to keep everything straight but it will help to make you look like a quick study. Also, get to know your boss. The mora you know of what he or she expects of you, the better you can adjust your interactions to best suit his or her preferences. When receiving task instructions, clarify the priority issues so that they can be addressed immediately and determine the preferred frequency of updates. One of the best ways to know what is expected of you is to understand how you will be evaluated. Ask how your performance will be judged so that you can focus your efforts on the tasks most relevant to those aspects of your job.Get to know your colleagues. Developing professional relationships with the people you will work with on a regular basis is necessary when developing an atmos phere of trust and information sharing. As your boss and teammates come to know you better and understand your abilities more thoroughly, they will begin to feel confident with expanding your workload and heightening your responsibility. Finally, work to make your boss and co-workers look good. Share credit where it is due and dont participate in the gossip mill. The more you avoid the political games within the office place, the better positioned you will be to make and keep as many friends as possible.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Transportation Management CoordinatorMOS 88N

Transportation Management CoordinatorMOS 88NTransportation Management Coordinator- MOS 88NTransportation Management Coordinators are primarily responsible for scheduling and selecting the modes of transportation for personnel and equipment. Duties Performed by Soldiers in this MOS Advises military and Department of Defense civilians of their entitlement for shipment of personal property and passenger travel and prepares the necessary documentation. Requests and coordinates transport capability to meet a movement mission. Marks and labels cargo and freight shipments in accordance with regulatory requirements. Documents and inventories freight, cargo, and materiel shipments of all types operates automated data terminal equipment to prepare movement documentation or related correspondence. Arranges documentation and reports for follow-up or response to tracer actions. Prepares transportation movements documents and related forms for the type of shipment and mode of travel. Performs office duties such as posting regulations, files maintenance, and routine office correspondence. Provides supervision and technical guidance for subordinates. Researches, interprets, prepares, and coordinates actions pertaining to travel entitlement. Functions as the customs officer for shipment releases in overseas theaters. Operates as quality control noncommissioned officer for commercial movement contracts. Monitors all freight, cargo, and materiel shipments to ensure accountability identifies and reports problem areas within the traffic management ordnungsprinzip to prevent additional costs, losses, and damage. Conducts briefings for unit moves. Requests, coordinates, and monitors movement schedules and programs ensures transport capability is appropriate, cost effective, and meets mission requirements. Checks and inspects equipment blocking and bracing. Prepares and consolidates transportation movement reports. Operates automated data processing equipment to document movement information, contracts, and responds to shipment inquiries, discrepancies, and routine movementtransactions. Training Information Job training for a transportation management coordinator requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and six weeks of Advanced Individual Training with on-the-job instructions. Part of this time is spent in the classroom and part in the field. ASVAB Score Required 95 in aptitude area CL Security Clearance None Strength RequirementModerately heavy Physical Profile Requirement 323222 Other Requirements None Similar Civilian Occupations The skills you learn will help prepare you for a career with transportation and logistic companies.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Surviving and Thriving as a Manager During a Merger

Surviving and Thriving as a Manager During a MergerSurviving and Thriving as a Manager During a MergerThe uncertainty surrounding a sudden merger announcement is commonplace. For legal and competitive reasons, organizations must retain strict confidentiality of deals under development, resulting in a surprising and sometimes shocking announcement to employees.Of course, once the news is public, the number one question on every persons mind is What does this mean for me? While the merger announcement and post-merger integralrechnung process between the two firms is filled with uncertainty, veterans of these experiences understand that there are both risks and opportunities in the situation. Before making a rash maneuver and jumping off too quickly, it pays to be patient, assess your opportunities and make an informed decision about your future with the new organization. Why Firms MergeA tremendous amount of money is spent every year by firms acquiring competitors, suppliers, strategic parteners, or start-ups. The rationale for these investment activities typically falls into one of the following categoriesA perceived opportunity for significant cost savings and improved profits based on size and reachImprove control and profitability of supply chain operationsAccess to coveted customers or channels of distribution.Access to talentAccess to new technologiesSome combination of the aboveAll of this access is usually a strategic bet on the ability of the two firms to come together and turn potential into reality. Regardless of the rationale for the merger, producing those targeted benefits is hard work. Managers and employees who are able to help bring the benefits to life stand to prosper. Structure Matters You can answer the question. What does this mean for me? by reviewing your firms historical approaches to these transactions and looking and listening for intentions from senior management. If your firm typically acquires and leaves the acquired company alon e to operate on its own, elend much will change for you or your team members. This portfolio approach is typically pursued by organizations categorized as conglomerates or outside investment groups interested in owning a wide variety of companies. While financial oversight and reporting requirements may change, the acquirer will expect the acquired firms management and employees to do what they do best, and drive growth and expected profits. Very little will change for you or your team members. Alternatively, if your firms history or the acquiring firms track record is to combine operations, it is reasonable to anticipate significant changes as a result of what is termed an integration process. You will work with your new peers to develop and execute the plans required to combine activities and eliminate redundancies and exploit opportunities. While this situation is the most invasive one, remember that the new firm is dependent upon help to bring the expected benefits to life. As u ncomfortable as it might feel, actively supporting the integration process is a great way to increase your value and the value of your team members in this new and changing organization. In well-managed post-merger integration activities, teams from both firms are typically assigned to bring operations together. This team environment offers an opportunity for you and your direct reports to shine. The nine tips below offer ideas on surviving and thriving during the post-acquisition integration process. 1) Adjust Your Attitude on Change The words are easy, but to truly optimize your opportunities, you must accept that this is the beginning of a new chapter. The firm you joined and worked for will evolve into something very different, as will your job and the colleagues you work with every day. 2) Accept That Your Role May Be Eliminated It pays to be prepared, but do not assume you have to go out and get a new job the next day or even over the next year. In most (but not all) c ases, it takes time for the new organization to sort out roles and responsibilities and identify redundant positions. And even if your job is eliminated, many firms provide advance notice and encourage employees to apply for new roles elsewhere in the organization. For some of these organizations, it is common to offer a generous severance package when the termination is a result of organizational change due to the merger. 3) Lead by Example Your team will take their cues from you. If you are frightened, concerned, or if you talk negatively about the process and the career prospects, your team will take on that same persona. Prepare your attitude daily and portray a realistic and helpful perspective to your team members. 4) Offer to Help With the Integration As stated above, the success of the merger in driving cost savings and gaining internal efficiencies or gains in the market requires the active support of employees and managers. Become a problem-solver and a champion fo r positive change and you improve your odds of remaining part of the long-term picture. Providing opportunities for your team members to support the work of integration allows them to showcase their skills and strengthen their case for remaining as part of the new firm. 5) Be Flexible It is highly probable that you and your team members will be asked to shed long-time responsibilities and take on new activities as part of the integration process. Treat these as opportunities to learn and grow, and coach and counsel your team members to do the same. 6) Do Not Contribute to the Rumor Mill Coach your employees to steer clear of this potentially toxic habit. It is always tempting to engage in wild speculation over the future, but it is incredibly counter-productive. Share regular updates with your team members and encourage them to come to you with questions and concerns. 7) Coach Your Employees on How to Navigate Change Just as you have concerns and misgivings about the cha nges, your employees will feel equally or more vulnerable. Work hard to provide context for changes and strive to involve your employees in solving problems and supporting the cause. They will look to you and your approach to the changing situation for support and confidence. 8) Watch for Signs of the Emerging Culture The acquirer tends to take the dominant role in the post-merger integration, and the culture of this firm will invade your organization. Watch how people in this firm conduct themselves. Do they have strong core values that resonate with you? Are they ethical? Do they seem to enjoy their work? Is this an organization you can see yourself serving and supporting? While the initial period following a merger announcement is filled with uncertainty, it takes time to assess whether this new organization is a good fit for you. 9) Invest in Yourself and Your Team Members While you are actively supporting the merger activities as outlined above, it pays to work on your own time to revive or strengthen your professional network, develop new skills through school or training and prepare for potential separation. Counsel your employees to take these very reasonable and appropriate steps in their own lives. While it is possible you and your co-workers will remain in the new organization for years to come, it always pays to be prepared. The Bottom LineNavigating a merger as a manager and as an employee is a stressful situation. While the tendency as humans is to look at the potential risks and trigger a fight or flight response, it pays to step back, study the situation and offer positive support. For those who adopt this constructive approach, the odds of the merger turning into a very positive career step improve dramatically.

Monday, December 16, 2019

ASME Congressional Briefing Highlights the DODs Manufacturing...

ASME Congressional Briefing Highlights the DODs Manufacturing... ASME Congressional Briefing Highlights the DODs Manufacturing... ASME Congressional Briefing Highlights the DODs Manufacturing Engineering Education Grant ProgramAug. 11, 2017 (Left to right) Congressional Briefing panelists Denise Peppard of Northrop Grumman Corp., Stephan Ezell from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, Laine Mears of Clemson University, Laurie Leshin of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and Brennan Grignon from the Department of Defenses Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy. On July 25, more than 120 Congressional staff and industry stakeholders convened at the Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, D.C., for an ASME-sponsored Congressional Briefing focusing on the Department of Defenses Manufacturing Engineering Education Grant Program. The panel discussion, which welches hosted by the House and Senate Manufacturing Caucuses, featured a group of subject matter experts who discussed how the grant program will help strengthen the U.S. economy and national security, while safeguarding the competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing sector.ASME President-Nominee Said Jahanmir, Ph.D., Senior Legislative Fellow in the Office of Congressman Tim Ryan (OH-13), provided welcoming remarks for the briefing, which was moderated by Thomas Kurfess, Ph.D., professor and HUSCO/Ramirez Distinguished Chair in Fluid Power and Motion Control at Georgia Institute of Technology and co-chair of the ASME Manufacturing Public Policy Task Force. Panelists included Brennan Grignon, program director in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy, Department of Defense Laurie Leshin, Ph.D., president of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Laine Mears, Ph.D., professor and BMW SmartState Chair of Automotive Manufacturing at Clemson University Stephen Ezell, director of global innovat ion policy for the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) and Denise Peppard, corporate vice president and chief human resources officer at Northrop Grumman Corp. ASME President-Nominee Said Jahanmir (far right) welcomed attendees to the ASME Congressional Briefing panel discussion. Also pictured are (left to right) panelists Laurie Leshin and Brennan Grignon and sprecher Thomas Kurfess, co-chair of the ASME Manufacturing Public Policy Task Force.The Manufacturing Engineering Education Grant Program was signed into law in December 2016 as part of the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), thereby authorizing the Department of Defense to support industry-relevant, manufacturing-focused, engineering training at U.S. institutions of higher education, universities, industry, and not-for-profit institutions. Grant recipients are selected through a competitive process based on the merits of better aligning their educational offerings with the needs of modern U.S . manufacturers.The new program has great potential to strengthen national security and increase economic competitiveness by improving and modernizing the U.S. industrial base. Through this program, students, technologists, and manufactures will be better equipped to manufacture U.S. military equipment and technology domestically, protecting and securing the future of the American Warfighter. The Manufacturing Engineering Education Grant Program is intended to not only strengthen the U.S. militarys capabilities, but also allow the United States to compete against other nations economically. More than 120 Congressional staff and industry stakeholders attended the Congressional Briefing, which was held on July 25 in Washington, D.C.In the area of advanced manufacturing, the United States is currently competing commercially against a range of European and Asian nations for global innovation advantage. Countries such as Germany and Austria, who dedicate a larger percentage of their eco nomy to manufacturing (23 percent and 19 percent, respectively) than the United States (12 percent), are pursuing several workforce development initiatives that call for revamping engineering studienordnung and workforce training opportunities to align manufacturing and engineering education more closely with the current and future needs of industry.A video recording of the Congressional Briefing is now available on the House Manufacturing Caucus YouTube page at To learn more about the House Manufacturing Caucus, visit http// - Samantha Fijacko, ASME Government Relations

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Settling In for the Wrong Job

Settling In for the Wrong JobSettling In for the Wrong JobSettling In for the Wrong JobAs a career coach I always advise my young graduated clients to project themselves into the future when applying for jobs and actually make a five-ten years agenda to walk towards the goal.Most of the time people tend to rush into the wrong job because its a matter of need, but think again landing into the wrong job takes you away from your dream job every day. And where does your studying effort goes? ExactlySometimes the waiting feels eternal but it worth it. Now, no settling for the wrong job doesnt mean that you will stay inactive. You have to stay active. For example, taking a volunteer job that they will pay you a symbolic salary is better than slaving yourself to the wrong employer while you are still applying for other jobs.There are so many stories, but just to tell you one at the top of my mindOne of my friends had a crazy experience working in this company. She was desperate to find a j ob so she literally took the first one that was offered to her later on when she found out the reasons on why nobody wanted to work there and why that vacancy was empty it was too late. For her surprise the contract was a bit weird as well. She rushed to sign it back in the time and then she got stuck in that place for five years. The contract literally said that the Employee couldnt quit in the first three years, and that all the training and other benefits she received had to be reimbursed in the equivalence amount when quitting the job. Also in the contract said that the Employer could modify the contract without notifying the Employee any timein between other absurd things.My friend had to look for a lawyer in order to get out without so many problems, the case ended up in court and of course the judge granted her the freedom of walking away without further damage but she spent so much money, time and effort to get out. Not to mention all the other opportunities that walked by w hile she was too busy fighting these nonsense.Having that story as a lesson you dont want to experience yourself, then be careful where you end up and who do you work for.Here is a check-list of some of the questions you should ask in the different interviewsWhy is the vacancy free?Who are you replacing and whyCan a lawyer advise you when signing this contract?Can you suggest some change in the contract if there is something you dont feel comfortable with?Can you think of your options or do you have to sign right away?Depending on the answers you can get an idea of the employer you will have.If they are in a rush to get someone is either because the last person had an accident that doesnt allow the projects to go on or because they are in the rush to fill the location after firing the 1564 person in that job position for the same year. Being prudent never hurts.Also, remember when I said to make an agenda of five-ten years? Well this means that you dont have to wait for the dream jo b to come right away because that would be unrealistic and you have to stay optimist, instead you can work yourself up.Lets say that you want to be a big journalist and want to work for the best Editorials in the world, so you can start by working in a little town local magazine-newspaper and build your skills, because having skills is a natural thing but applying them into the real world when having to deal with people is a different thing. Get adapted to the way things work. Maybe isnt your dream to speak about the local championship of chess that just happened in the park but then again you are in need to build a path for the future. Just keep acquiring skills and never stop learning, either a foreign language or a new certificate. Nowadays you can enhance your abilities faster than fifteen years ago. If you want to get straight to the point, hiring a professional is the solutions. Our right job is to help you out and we also learn every day from peoples mistakes that you dont wa nt to make.Remember that a good written professional resume can open the doors for you

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Top Secret Details About Professional Resume Service That Some People Arent Aware Of

The Top Secret Details About Professional Resume tafelgeschirr That Some People Arent Aware Of New Step by Step Roadmap for Professional Resume Service Theres no demand for you to compose your own content. Microsoft format together with pdfs are readily available. You dont ever want to include an excessive amount of info on a resume, but you also need to ensure theres enough info to highlight your attributes. If you can discover a means to fit all your very best information on a single page, thats the thing to do. Companies utilize a resume database to put away applicant info. In our company, everything is extremely simple you can talk about the details utilizing the web. Many businesses concentrate on keeping costs to a minimum, deciding to compose their own site content or company documents. Feature writing began over years back. Buy quick and quick essay writing tafelgeschirr it is not uncommon to seek out clients asking the question how to discover the ideal writer to c ompose my essay for me. Executive resume writing consists of an in depth description of knowledge and distinctive skills. When there are a large selection of jobs offered in just about any discipline conceivable, in addition, there are many qualified applicants, as a result of nearby Harvard University. The Argument About Professional Resume Service Our company is prepared to help you. A resume service may also act as a superior resource for the work search. Acme Resume is a Boston-based expert writing service thats committed to delivering quality work at a fair price. The feedback from different customers can help you find out whether the resume company is worth your trust and money and in the event that you will be impressed with the outcome. What You Need to Do About Professional Resume Service Beginning in the Next Two Minutes Some people today go for internet aid. The life is often unpredictable and if you choose to change the job, remember about your buddies and coll eagues. Therefore, people mostly prefer our services rather than opting for the other choice. It is very important to make your resume professional but at the exact same time not tedious. The Battle Over Professional Resume Service and How to Win It Our intent is to deliver high-quality papers for a fair price within the given time frame. Your orders will be carried out exactly as you desire. Then, order everything in compliance with the job applied for. The customer will know the purchase price of the order till they place it and help it become definite. The Downside Risk of Professional Resume Service Another reason to have a second look at your preferred executive roles is to observe the sort of keywords you SHOULD use. When it has to do with putting your very best foot forward with a possible employer, dont cut any corners. For instance, a sales professional could include details about their private approach to selling and a succinct explanation on the efficiency of that approach. However snazzy your site is, its no good if nobody visits it Whatever They Told You About Professional Resume Service Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why If thats the case, consider Textbroker Managed Service companies make the most of our care-free package. Recruiters or hiring managers will often skim over resumes and search for keywords or they might use software programs to locate keywords. So you can purchase creative resumes wherever you desire. Resume services receive feedback and data from client job seekers that may be useful to other customers. The Characteristics of Professional Resume Service Writing quality essays is the principal use of our services. 1 surefire method to discover a perfect resume writer is recommendations. To create the ideal content, authors will need to understand yet what you expect. Fantastic grammar is also warranted in regards to writing a fantastic and impressive resumes. Lets take a quick glance at the five primary secti ons of the typical resume. By showing off the value you will provide to prospective employers, we prove youre the ideal person for those jobs that you want to target. Check to see whether there are any complaints lodged against the organization or a negative BBB rating. With the papers from our company you are able to make an application for the ideal position in the very best company of your city. Other resume writing firms claim their occupation is to just write well enough for their customers to have interviews. The work description for any specific position provides you with a clue as to whats important to the employer. You will services canada interviews in virtually no time, and builder hired for your fantasy job. Secondly, the resume also has an essential role in it.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

In His New One-Man Show, a #8216;People Hacker#8217; Becomes Steve Jobs

In His New One-Man Show, a 8216People Hacker8217 Becomes Steve Jobs Inthe pantheon of business all-stars, few resonate withur current professional moment morepowerfullythan Steve Jobs. While he himself was not a programmer or engineer, Jobs had avision for what technology could beand in many ways, the role that smartphones and mobile devices play in our lives is a result of this vision. But a vision without execution is nothing more than a daydream, and Jobsalso had the business acumen necessary to lead Apple to the top of the tech pack. RecruiterTodaycontributor, author, speaker, psychiatrist, and self-described people hacker Dr. Mark Goulstonis one of many people who recognize the lessons that Jobss life and career hold for todays professionals. Thats why he recently devised Steve Jobs Returns How to Build a Visionary Company,a combination keynote speech and one-man show in which Goulston takes on the role of Steve Jobs in order to teach people about the ten iterative, Lego-like steps that Jobs followed to make Apple insanely great.Goulston believes that Jobss business talent was no preternatural gift no, it came from a set of concrete actionshe took that anyone canfollow.I probably dont have to tell you how unique theidea of delivering a keynote speech in the form of a one-man show is. When Goulston mentioned this project to me, I knew I had to learn more. So, we engaged in a quick email QA, which is reproduced below, minimally edited for style and clarityPreview announcement of Steve Jobs Returns Connecting the Dotsfrom Mark Goulston on How did the idea for this performance come about?Dr. Mark GoulstonFor the past year and a half, I had been giving a presentation called Hacking Steve Jobs The Secret to Creating Gotta Have It at a variety of venues, including tech and healthcare CEO roundtables, neuerung conferences, and entrepreneurial groups. In it, I explained the four-step formula Jobs unconsciously followed to cause customers to respond with Gotta have it when new products were introduced. Thats because when you cause people to think Gotta have it you dont have to persuade or sell to them. You just take orders.By the way, that four-step formula is1. Whoa I cant believe what I just saw, heard, or read2. Wow Thats astonishing, amazing, unbelievable3. Hmmm Thats too good to ignore or not do something with4. Yes I see the way to use it. SoldIn those presentations, I dressed like Steve Jobs, but stopped short of becoming him. One of my other skill sets is deconstructing strategies into lockstep, Lego-like steps (such as the four steps above) that anyone can follow. One of those strategies is also a lockstep, Lego-like 10-step strategy that anyone can follow to build a very successful business. I distitelblatted that this 10-step strategy wasalso the unconscious formula that Jobs followed to turn Apple from near bankruptc y in 1997 into the highest-valued company in the world after he introduced the iPhone in 2007.RC Why did you choose to perform the role of Steve Jobs instead of delivering a talk about him and his successes at Apple? Does this have any impact on how the audience engages with the lessons you want to share? If so, how?MGI had previously presented the 10-step strategy for success to audiences, who agreed with it but didnt find it compelling enough to commit to it. By now channeling Steve Jobs I dont have a script. I actually see and then articulate the world through his eyes as I retell the story of coming back to Apple in 1997 through 2007 I tell his story as him and cover all the 10 steps via a story. By actually being him instead ofplaying him, it mesmerizes the audiences, and to add to it, I take questions after I tell the story and answer them as Steve Jobs, still occupying his persona.RC What has the process been like for you? What steps have you taken in order to learn how to be Steve Jobs, in a sense? And what does it feel like playing the role of such a giant?MGThe process has been amazing. I am not an actor by profession. However, I have spent more than 30 years as a therapist channeling my patients and couples and expressing what they were feeling and meant to say but didnt have the words to say. That has helped me be effective as a suicide interventionist, death and dying specialist, FBI/police hostage negotiation trainer, jury consultant, key advisor, and confidante to founders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs.I have much experience doing role play in those instances. Check out this video from my hostage negotiation training (ed. note this is a hostage negotiation training, so the content may be upsetting to some viewer discretion is advised). But I have never taken on channeling someone regarding their life.Interestingly, I tried to mix the role play with switching over to a teacher role, but audiences who have seen it told me to drop the teaching, which is much lower energy, and just play Jobs the entire time, weaving the 10 steps into the story and then taking questions as him.At the end, I give out a handout with a 10-step process adapted from one of my published articles with the title, How I made Apple Insanely Great in 10 Steps and How You Can Do the Same.I dont do consulting or training myself anymore and have a team at the ready to work with companies that want to learn and implement this strategy.RCWhat do you hope people will learn or feel when they see this show?MGI hope they will feel I have deconstructed the genius and secret sauce of Steve Jobs into a strategy that they can use to make their companies and lives insanely great. I also hope it will connect some of the dots regarding his psyche and psychology that havent been connected before.RCCan you talk a little bit more about the concept of connecting the dots and how it relates to the show?MGIn 2005, Steve Jobs gave a commencement address at Stanford that many con sider to be the top commencement address ever given at a university. Jobs said many incredible and memorable things that day, including You cant connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.A brief excerpt from Jobss 2005Stanford commencement speech.Jobs ran out of future before he was able to connect the dots enough to make Apple a sustainable visionary company. He thought it would continue under the leadership of CEO Tim Cook and Chief Design Officer Jony Ive. However, many will say that it has lost a good deal of its disruptive mojo since Jobs died.In this presentation, I connect the dots that Jobs didnt get a weg to connect and turn it into a story with doable steps that any company can follow to be insanely great.RC How/where can people see the show?MG I will post recent and upcoming presentations in my free Usable Insight newsletter that people can subscribe to by going to m y website, clicking the Free Stuff tab on the right margin, and putting in their name and email, which I will never share with anyone else.In addition, I am sharing insights I am learning after each presentation in a LinkedIn Pulse blog series with a video outtake that they are promoting to several of their channels.RC What are your future plans for the show? Is this just a small project, or do you want to take it as far as it can go?MGIts currently in its off, off, off Broadway and off the radar run. I will be giving it at a variety of small venues and to companies and organizations to refine it. After that, I hope to turn a part of it into a TED Talk, present it at much larger venues, and hopefully have the insanely great opportunity to present it at Apple in front of the entire company.After all I am Steve Jobs.